Not Giving Up
This page is dedicated to those who are desiring to support me (financially or prayer) through this testing process for Marriage and Family Therapy board exams.. I've come close with missing the mark by 1 point at one time (It's a 4hr exam). I've taken this exam 3 times and it has been taxing on my family financially but I don't feel or think I've been released from God on this endeavor. That's why I'm going to go at it one more time with my next test date window being 12/14-12/21. If you are able to support financially, especially going into the holidays, and/or through prayer I would greatly appreciate it. To be accountable the breakdown is as follow:
Financial Goal: $500 = $355 - Testing Application + $140 - Studying Materials
Click Here to Support Financially
Prayer Request:
That I continue to rest in God’s view of myself as thoughts of failure attempt to creep in.
My family as we are getting ready to move this month of October 2019
God has given me glimmers of encouragement during this time